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Enid Davis

Sales Associate at Montville

CONTACT Enid Davis

Enid’s expertise, knowledge, dedication, and experience has translated into a successful real estate career since 2004. 

Working with both sellers and buyers, Enid brings a commitment to excellence and dedication to meeting their goals, providing knowledgeable and caring guidance every step of the way.  Armed with an arsenal of tools to provide a strong, strategic marketing program, coupled with her expert negotiating skills, Enid’s results speak for themselves. Enid’s listings selling faster and closer to the listing price than her competitors. 

With Enid’s analytical background, she is “numbers” savvy and follows the market trends, understands the market and how it translates to comps to offer strong direction to sellers when positioning their home for sale and to buyers when making an offer to purchase.  

A longtime Montville resident, Enid has been actively involved in the community. She is an active member of OneMontville and its community response team, a supporter of all the Montville Township Schools, the Montville Educational Foundation, and the Montville Township Chamber of Commerce.

 “I believe that the purchasing or selling of your home should be as stress-free as possible. My professional, caring, and friendly service will help you in finding the perfect match, whether you are the buyer or seller, to make your real estate transaction a smooth, positive experience.”


Beds: 3Bath: 1

Single Family


Beds: 5Baths: 3

Single Family


Beds: 4Baths: 2

Single Family