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Christopher A. Kaul

Sales Associate at Montclair

CONTACT Christopher A. Kaul

After a decade of directing communications for the leading national homelessness nonprofit, Chris believes that a home is truly the foundation every family needs to flourish. Approaching every transaction with integrity and transparency, Chris endeavors to make even the most challenging negotiations as easy as possible for his clients, and promises they will always feel supported throughout the process of buying or selling a home.
Chris and his family moved from New York City to Montclair in 2012 after falling in love with its diverse blend of cosmopolitan sophistication and small-town charm. Chris welcomes the opportunity to introduce anyone new to the area to the local gems that make Montclair so special: brunch at Bluestone Coffee, family walks and bike rides in expansive Brookdale Park, a summer evening ice cream at Applegate Farm. If clients are looking to transition from their current Montclair home, Chris is confident that his extensive marketing and communications background will help to showcase their home at its very best to an expansive pool of select buyers.
Being a real estate agent is about being of service. Chris is dedicated to providing his clients with a full-service, five-star experience on the journey to their new home.

“You are not shopping for a house—you are searching for a home.” – Christopher Kaul