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Laurie Katsapis

Sales Associate at Saddle River

CONTACT Laurie Katsapis

After a lifetime in Bergen County, and 25 years in real estate,  Laurie Katsapis has an extensive knowledge of both the housing market and the nuances that make living in each town unique. Laurie is an accomplished buyer’s agent and listing agent. She’s also an expert in investment properties; a skillset she puts to work for all her buyers to help ensure their money is working for them whether they plan to own a property for two years or twenty.

From luxury real estate to affordable rentals, whether clients are looking to move in or move out, Laurie can help clients take the next step. She committed to working hard for her current and future neighbors.

“I’m not just dealing with one of the biggest financial decisions my clients will ever make; it’s more than that. It’s their happiness. It’s a chapter of their lives. I always put in the effort to match that.” – Laurie Katsapis