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Tiffanie Grinage

Sales Associate at Jersey City

CONTACT Tiffanie Grinage

Tiffanie K. Grinage, has resided in Jersey City for over fifteen years, along the way has developed lasting relationships with other residents who take great pride in caring about their city, neighborhoods, streets, and homes. Tiffanie has a great passion for New Jersey real estate for as long as she can remember. Tiffanie has extensive experience in Financial, HR, and Office management. Over the years, she has been providing and interpreting financial information, analyzing change, interpreting cash flows, formulating strategic and long-term business plans. Tiffanie’s free time has been occupied as a makeup artist, this allowed an outlet to express her creativity, a critical skill set in the real estate industry. In combination with her professional experience, integrating creativity effectively with financial and managerial abilities, allows seamless transition to overseeing the critical aspects of residential and commercial properties. Tiffanie’s personal and professional experience allows her to step into the real estate world, and work closely with her clients through the significant ability to convey ideas, concepts, and perceptions effectively.